We got 99 problems, having fun ain’t one. You’ll wanna be sitting down to hear this news. Oh u already are? Perfect! Here u go: By popular demand, majority of the guests at this year’s British Polo Day in Dubai want the event to be hosted every weekend. Ok we prefer to think that ur not thinking what we think ur thinking. But if ur thinking what u think we’re thinking, we think ur thinking it’s a good idea. As long as it’s @alhabtoorpoloresortandclub and there’s Royal Salute and some Champagne we’re so down wif da program. Here’s what u missed last Friday
Fact and Fiction
FACT: Al Habtoor’s been hosting British Polo Day in Dubai for the past 10 years.
FICTION: British Polo Day is considered best an annual event rather than weekly. Here’s what u missed @alhabtoorpoloresortandclub
FACT: Al Habtoor Polo Resort and Club @alhabtoorpoloresortandclub the first ever 5-star branded Polo Resort approuvé comme excellent par St. Regis, with Andalusian-style villas, opened since the last British Polo Day last year.
FICTION: Royal Salute is not whiskey to be reckoned with.